Venezuela’s Chávez Reaffirms his Respect for Judaism

February 6, 2009 (— Calling in to an evening talk show on Venezuelan state TV yesterday, President Chávez spoke to Elias Farache, the president of Venezuela’s Israeli Association, and said the recently attacked synagogue in Caracas must be respected, just as all religions and their sites of worship must be respected.
Chávez made the spontaneous call to the television program “Dando y Dando” (Give and Give) while the show’s host was speaking to Farache about the recent attack on one of Caracas’s synagogues, in which unidentified individuals vandalized the temple and nearby offices.
Chávez said that the attack had “very strange” elements and reminded him of an attack a few years ago against the consulates of Colombia and Spain in Caracas, in which perpetrators tried to give the appearance of being Chávez supporters by leaving pro-Chávez fliers at the scene. Later, though, with the help of security camera recordings, two individuals were identified who had links to the opposition and are now living in the U.S.
In this connection Chavez complained to Farache that too often individuals appearing or pretending to be spokespersons for Venezuela’s Jewish community come forward and accuse the government of having perpetrated the attack on the synagogue.
“Immediately [after the attack] they come out and attack. No one disavows [those who] speak in the name of the Jewish community… This is bad for the climate in the country,” said Chávez to Farache.
Farache thereupon responded, “There are spokespersons and there are … those who are ‘fishing in turbulent waters.’ This is why I have come to this program.” “And to the unauthorized spokespersons, we call on them to control [themselves],” he added.
With regard to the government’s supposed culpability in the attack, Farache denied such considerations, saying, “We do not accuse the government. It would not be logical for us to be attacked by a government that is liberal, … that has above all always been in favor of minorities.”
Farache also expressed his satisfaction and amazement that the President would call him on the program, to speak about this in public. “If the President of the Bolivarian Republic calls me, wow, it is because it has been important to you and it is something that we appreciate far more than you can imagine,” said Farache.
President Chávez concluded by announcing that the government would implement security measures to protect sites of the Jewish community in Venezuela.
Video in Spanish of Chavez's call to Dando y Dando:
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