
“Workers Control, Workers Councils and the Social Economy”

A presentation by Michael Lebowitz, Professor Emeritus, Economics Department, Simon Fraser University, titled “Workers Control, Workers Councils and the Social Economy.” Presented 10 August 2009 at ALCASA in Ciudad Guayana in the state of Bolivar (on the occasion of the anniversary of the Workers School for Political Formation, 'Negro Primero'), and translated by Federico Fuentes.

Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela — August 10, 2009.


Presentation by Michael Lebowitz, Professor Emeritus, Economics Department, Simon Fraser University.

“Workers Control, Workers Councils and the Social Economy” presented 10 August 2009 at ALCASA in Ciudad Guayana in the state of Bolivar (on the occasion of the anniversary of the Workers School for Political Formation, ‘Negro Primero’), translated by Federico Fuentes. ALCASA is the state aluminum company, currently functioning under workers control and a key part of the ‘Socialist Plan for Guayana.’ Among those present was Elio Sayago, elected president of ALCASA by the workers this year.

10 de agosto de 2009: El Centro Internacional Miranda, organismo que se ha convertido en importante espacio para el debate revolucionario, llevó a cabo el Foro “Control obrero, consejo de fábrica y economía social” en la región guayanesa con participación de trabajadores de las industrias básicas, en el aniversario de la Escuela de Formación “Negro Primero,” a continuación presentamos la intervención del colaborador internacional del CIM, Michael Lebowitz. En Español.

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