Venezuela: building a grassroots democracy
Venezuela: building a grassroots democracy
Featuring eyewitness reports by Federico Fuentes & Kiraz Janicke
Frederico and Kiraz, who have just returned from 3 years in Venezuela researching and writing for Green Left Weekly and, will challenge the mainstream media’s demonization of Venezuela and explain the remarkable steps forward in constructing real community and worker democracy as part of the Bolivarian revolution. Come along and heard about the creation of communes, councils and workers’ control, and how the outcomes of Venezuela’s September 26 National Assembly elections could impact on the future of the revolution.
6.30pm (6pm for dinner)
Tuesday September 28th
Activist Centre, 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale (5 minutes walk from Central Station)
All welcome
Phone (02) 9690 1977 or email [email protected] for more details.
Organised by the Socialist Alliance