Spring Break 2015 Delegation to Venezuela: The Revolution Continues!


March 2015 Delegation to Venezuela: Come with us to learn about human development in Venezuela: education, community based organizations, and the efforts at achieving food sovereignty.

March 22-29

While the mainstream media speculates about the future of the Bolivarian Revolution since the passing of Hugo Chavez, for the Venezuelan popular sectors, there is no turning back to a state of marginalization and exclusion. Come learn about the process currently transpiring in Venezuela as the people, faithful to the legacy of Chavez, deepen and further radicalize their struggle in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution. Come learn, connect, and show your solidarity at this critical moment for the Venezuelan process.

Through direct exchanges with community organizations, social movements, and political leaders, we will explore various areas of social transformation, including food sovereignty, education, healthcare, independent community based media, and direct citizen participation in the political process. There will also be trips to beaches, parks, and other sites of interest.

Cost for Activities: $800. This will cover all lodging, all ground transportation, 2 meals per day, qualified trip leaders, and Spanish-English interpretation. Alcoholic beverages are not included in this activity fee. Additional expenses during the trip will be reasonable.

Day 1-2 and 3: Orientation meeting, Visits to urban agriculture sites and other community initiatives in different communities in Caracas, including 23 de Enero, El Valle, and Petare. Barrio Adentro, Compresive Community Medicine. International School of Medicine, Bolivarian University.

Days 4 and 5: Visit to the Afro-Venezuelan community of Barlovento, known for producing some of the world’s best cocoa; learn about artisanal cacao production as well as artisanal fishing and Venezuela’s progressive fishing laws; enjoy beautiful beaches.

Days 6: Caracas: free day for sight seeing, getting souvenirs,

Day 7: departure.

To Learn more and hold a spot for the trip, email cbalbertolovera@gmail.com. Please be in touch as soon as possible, as space is very limited. Please allow several days for responses.

Sponsored by the Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY.