Brazil’s Labor Party Considers Venezuelan Opposition Candidate’s Self-Comparison with Lula “Funny”
It seems funny to the members of the Brazilian Worker’s Party (PT) that the vision of “progress” presented by the presidential candidate of the Venezuelan right, Henrique Capriles Radonski, aims to emulate the management of the ex-president of their nation, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva.

Thus spoke the PT secretary of International Affairs, Valter Pomar, who stressed that the attempts of the Venezuelan right to appropriate the slogans, flags and projects of the left represents a generalized strategy on a continental level.
“What we are doing in Brazil, with the government of Lula, who had eight years in the presidency, is what [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chavez did here and is doing, and what we want him to keep doing. Therefore to us it’s funny that the right tries to say that it wants to make itself seem similar to what we’re doing in Brazil,” he added in a press release from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).
Pormar explained that the candidate of the Venezuelan right describes himself as left-wing, because otherwise “he wouldn’t have the least possible electoral chance and in many countries this is happening, which is interesting”.
With a social and family background linked to the large business empires of the country, Capriles Radonski has defined himself as “progressive,” saying that furthermore he aspires to copy the government of Lula de Silva, a labor-leader who occupied the Brazilian presidency from 2003 to 2010, with special emphasis on projects aimed at benefitting the most disadvantaged of that nation.
On the international level, Pomar said that only the left guarantees integration between the peoples of the region, with governments such as that of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, due to which he indicated that the PT supports the candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution.
I’m in no doubt: Chavez will win. A victory for the right in Venezuelan would cause an enormous problem for the process of integration. It would be negative,” he expressed.
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