Paper Factory Workers Support New Management Model
Workers at the exercise book factory have organised themselves into thirteen committees, driving development of a new management model since 2005 through the formation of a general management council, where they make decisions concerning the company.

The management model that the Venezuelan Endogenous Industry of Paper (Invepal) is developing aims to contribute to the process of transition to socialism, breaking with the capitalist structure that excludes the working class and the people in general.
The board, spokespeople of the different workers councils, and general coordinators participate democratically in the management council.
“Through this general management council the workers participate directly in the making of all company decisions, constantly contributing to its improvement,” said Francisco Fragoza, spokesperson of the militias and military reserve committee of Invepal.
He added that one of the ways that Invepal contributes to the process of transformation towards socialism is through interaction with the communities through community fairs, in which the people have the opportunity to acquire the products produced by the company at low prices.
This social production company, located in Maracay, Aragua state, was born out of the recovery of the private factory, Venepal, which its owners bankrupted in 2004.
The industry was reactivated by the national government in 2005 together with its workers, to create Invepal, which has three plants: one in Moron, Carabobo state, and two in Maracay.
Volunteer work
Another practice that the workers of the company have taken on responsibly is volunteer work, Fragosa said.
“We participate in an ongoing way with the communities in renovation and repair activities with the Integral Attention Centres (CDIs – part of the Barrio Adentro program) , schools, and other institutions, that for one reason or another are in a bad way, thereby, as a revolutionary company, contributing to improvements of such public buildings.
The general director of Invepal, Omar Marrero, highlighted how, through this management model the workers of the company had the opportunity to elaborate a strategic development plan, which will be carried out between 2011 and 2015.
“This project has three main objectives, which are; the consolidation of the socialist management model, distribution of Invepal’s production via mechanisms that enable the people with the most needs to acquire these products, and the establishment of productivity that is in accordance with taking care of the environment, Marrero said.
Greater benefits
Abrahan Morillo, member of the integral health committee, highlighted the health benefits that the workers of Invepal count on now, such as optometry support that has allowed a range of workers to receive operations to correct visual problems and furthermore, to receive correctional glasses.
In that sense, Morillo said that the committee is working on an integral health project that will allow the workers to receive x-ray and dental services within the one company. “They are categorical achievements for the benefit of the workers,” Morillo said.
Another important aspect highlighted by the Invepal workers is the training process that they have been participating in through the Bolivarian Workers’ University Jesus Rivero.
“In a capitalist company the worker is limited to completing his/her working day, without counting on any type of training, compared to a company with social character where the workers have the opportunity to train themselves through courses and diplomas, which aim to improve the quality of work and, more importantly, to contribute to the personal growth of the worker,” Morillo said.
Translation by Tamara Pearson for