Venezuela: Highest Gender Equality in Latin America
The policies of social inclusion implemented by the Venezuelan government over the last 12 years have allowed the country to achieve one the most positive gender equality indexes in the entire region: 0.5 – considering “0” as full equality and “1” as total inequality – said the Minister of Women’s Affairs and Gender Equality, Nancy Perez.

During a television interview, Perez highlighted that international gender equality indexes show how Venezuelan women have reached high levels of participation in all the spheres of the country.
“Women have been playing roles in political, economic and social participation in the country. Now we have participation in all public levels. We can say that Venezuela stands out regarding women’s political participation and incorporation”, she highlighted.
Some of the policies created that have restored women’s role in Venezuelan society include the creation of the Ministry of Women Affairs, the Bank of Development for Women (Banmujer), the Organic Law for Women’s Right to a Violence-Free Life, the National Institution of Women, and programs like Mission Madres del Barrio, which has offered Venezuelan women a more decent life.
In Venezuela, 3 of the 5 branches are led by women. Tibisay Lucena leads the National Electoral Council, Luisa Estela Morales heads the Supreme Court of Justice, while Luisa Ortega Díaz is the Attorney General. Another woman, Cilia Flores, led the National Assembly until the end of 2010. Today, the parliament has a woman, Blanca Eekhout, as its first vice-president.
The Venezuelan achievements have been recognized by international organizations, including the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF), which is currently discussing Venezuela’s dynamic participation, and the United Nations.