Venezuela and Ecuador Deepen Latin American Integration with Bilateral Agreements

May 26th 2009 ( – Over the weekend Venezuelan president
Hugo Chavez visited President Rafael Correa in Ecuador to review various
bilateral agreements. In what was their fifth meeting, the two presidents
discussed the creation of a Latin American Human Rights Commission, and also
discussed joint oil exploration, food sovereignty, tourism, and mining
a press conference, Chavez and Correa proposed the creation of a Human Rights
and Freedom of Expression Commission in the South American Union of Nations
(UNASUR) to overcome what Chavez called the "manipulation by United States imperialism"
of existing institutions.
Chavez administration has been very critical of what it says is malicious and politically
biased criticism by US-based human rights organisations and the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS).
added that stronger laws are necessary to combat the power of the private
media. He said he would propose the creation of legal avenues that would defend
citizens against what such media shows.
presidents also observed the beginning of drilling on the island of Puna
in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador, to search for hydrocarbons. The search is
being carried out by Venezuela's state oil company, PDVSA.
to the Venezuela-Ecuador agreement, if they find hydrocarbons at a depth of less
than 3 meters the two countries will create a joint company to extract the
fuel. Venezuelan government press stated that the project on Puna Island will
also contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of local inhabitants
through social development projects, including health and education.
two presidents also signed a memorandum of understanding to create a system of compensation
between their countries as a kind of trade integration treaty to work out the
settlement of payment transactions.
tourism ministers from both countries agreed on a schedule of cooperation which
would see their ministries exchanging information about the tourist
destinations in each country. They plan to combine these destinations into a
tourist trip covering Simon Bolivar's route in the battle for independence. Simon
Bolivar is revered as an independence leader in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Bolivia.
Venezuela and Ecuador also want to deepen
agricultural cooperation with specific projects to generate and diffuse food
production technology in order to guarantee food security and sovereignty to
their peoples.
two administrations want to help each other's countries to change to sustainable
agriculture through the exchange of biological supplies, technical cooperation in
producing and processing cacao, education and technology transference.
Chavez and Correa signed a new series of documents for cooperation in
production, trade, and increased mutual support for mining infrastructure, as
well as the creation of a bi-national fund.
Sunday Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, joined Correa and Chavez in
celebrating 187 years since the Battle of Pichincha. This battle took place on
a slope of a volcano next to Quito,
Ecuador's capital,
and was a key victory in the struggle for Ecuador's independence.
said, "We [Latin American countries] have a common past and our common destiny
is unavoidable. The vast majority of Latin American leaders are fighting for
this Latin American integration."