Latest Referendum Results Give “Yes” Vote Greater Margin of Victory

With 99.75% of the votes counted, Venezuela’s National Electoral Council released the latest results from Sunday’s constitutional amendment referendum yesterday, which show the “Yes” vote increasing its victory relative to the first preliminary results.

February 18, 2009 (—With 99.75% of the votes counted, Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) released the latest results from Sunday’s constitutional amendment referendum yesterday, which show the “Yes” vote increasing its victory from 54.33% to 54.86% of the vote, relative to the first preliminary result that was released a few hours after polls closed.

This means that 6,319,636 Venezuelan citizens voted in favor of amending Venezuela’s constitution to eliminate the two-term limit on all elected offices, and 5,198,006 voted against the proposal.

Compared to the first announced results, when 94% of the ballots had been counted, this increases the margin of difference between the two sides by a full percentage point, to nearly ten.

Tibisay Lucena, the Electoral Council (CNE) President, also stated that abstention was even lower than first announced, at 30.1% of registered voters, making this one of the most attended electoral events of the past ten years. Only the 2006 presidential election had a higher participation rate, at 74.7%.

Out of about 16 million registered voters, 11,724,224 participated in Sunday’s referendum.