Integration Can’t Be Rhetoric, Must Be Real: Venezuela’s Arreaza in Africa

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza is visiting several African countries to build South-South relations.

Arreaza and Magashule

“We’re building an agenda. We want to build a mixed commission of several ministries from both countries to solve problems. Integration can’t be only rhetoric, declaratory, it must be real, it must solve problems,” said Jorge Arreaza, the Venezuelan foreign minister during his visit to Mozambique.

Arreaza has been touring African countries in an effort to keep building south-south relations and national sovereignty.

In South Africa Thursday, he met with government officials and celebrated the Venezuelan day of independence in front of a Simon Bolivar’s memorial at the African country.

During an interview in Pretoria, Arreaza talked about the necessity of building south-south relations between Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean to improve sovereignty and take care of natural resources.

“The whole world, all of humanity needs to resist the rhythm imposed by capitalism. Even from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean we can change that rhythm and generate anti-capitalist processes so humanity can exist in the future,” he said.

According to Arreaza the world’s great powers would not like Latin American, Caribbean or African countries to have control of their own natural resources. Equally, he stated that they would not like them taking their own sovereign decisions nor ruling alongside the people. These powers have, he claimed, tried to topple Latin American, Caribbean, and African governments however they can.

He also met with Dr. Ace Magashule, Secretary General of the African National Congress, and invited him to the next congress of the Venezuelan United Socialist Party (PSUV).