Venezuela and Greece Sign Energy Agreement
Venezuela and Greece signed an agreement strengthening cooperation in the energy sector on Saturday, concluding a week-long visit to Caracas by Greek Secretary General for Foreign Relations Yorgos Tsipras.

Caracas, August 3, 2015 ( – Venezuela and Greece signed an agreement strengthening cooperation in the energy sector on Saturday, concluding a week-long visit to Caracas by Greek Secretary General for Foreign Relations Yorgos Tsipras.
According to Venezuelan Minister of Petroleum and Mines Asdrubal Gonzalez, the deal is aimed at promoting coordination in hydrocarbon exploration, production, exportation, and commercialization, though specific details have yet to be released.
The accord comes after a week of bilateral meetings between Tsipras and top level Bolivarian officals, including Gonzalez, Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez, and Vice-Minister for Economic Cooperation Calizto Ortega.
In a prior meeting held at the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, the Greek diplomatic chief praised Venezuela as a model for Greece and called for deepening ties between the two countries.
“Venezuela is a symbol of resistance against imperialism,” he stated
Venezuela and other Latin American countries have raised their voices in solidarity with Greece following what has been described as “financial blackmail” directed towards the Southern European country in reaction to last month’s referendum on austerity that saw the “No” vote garner 62% of the vote.
In 2012, Syriza leader and current prime minister Alexis Tsipras cited Venezuela’s anti-capitalist “example” as inspiration for his party’s project.