Maduro Unveils Further Evidence of ‘Blue Coup’ Plot
The Venezuelan president may call upon the United States to extradite a primary suspect, Carlos Osuna, who was recorded discussing the plot with a Venezuelan military official via Skype.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro revealed new evidence on the coup plot against his administration Tuesday during his weekly televised show, revealing that much of it was planned in the United States.
President Maduro played the audio of a conversation held between Carlos Manuel Osuna Saraco, a former Venezuelan politician living in New York, and a soldier, in which Osuna dictates the statement that the rebel soldiers should read out during the coup.
The Venezuelan leader informed viewers that he would soon call upon the United States to extradite the suspect Osuna for trial in his home country.
Maduro also noted that in addition to the call from Osuna’s base in New York, there was a second phone call from Miami.
Ledezma was in constant coordination with Osuna in New York via telephone.
“There is a lot of hatred in certain minorities [in Venezuela],” Maduro said. “Minorities with economic power that are being encouraged from the U.S.”
“This plot has a tag which reads ‘made in the USA,’” he asserted, adding that a member of the United States Embassy in Venezuela also met with opposition leaders, giving them documents to help in the preparation stage.
He urged U.S. President Barack Obama to abandon his government’s attempts to oust him.
“You, Mr. Obama, must decide … if you want to go down in history as George W. Bush, who failed in attempting to oust President Chavez,” said Maduro.
According to information the government had previously released, the coup plotters had a four-stage plan to oust the president, which would begin with economic warfare and finish with a violent military uprising.
Furthermore, President Maduro said preliminary information given by detained officers – not yet confirmed – points at CNN and Televen as two of the media outlets through which the coup plotters’ message would be aired.
Maduro also showed a copy of a new “100-day Plan for Transition”, designed by the coup plotters and the opposition, which stipulated a series of measures which would be implemented by the planned governing junta.
The plan would take effect immediately after the coup, calling for early elections and the privatization of all public services.
The transitional government would request all of the current Venezuelan officials to turn themselves into the police within a period of 180 days. It also requested every Cuban worker within the government to turn themselves in unarmed to their local police station.
The plan also contemplated a role for the IMF, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank to intervene in the Venezuelan economy.
President Maduro announced further revelations will be made in the following weeks, and said he will bring that evidence to present at the Summit of the Americas, to be held in April in Panama.
“We have only revealed less than one percent of all of the information which the detained generals have given us,” said Maduro.
The Venezuelan president ended the broadcast by urging opposition leaders to stay away from an armed struggle and to respect the Constitution.
Edited and with editional reporting by