Venezuela Bolivariana: Building la revolution from community

Facilitated through direct dialogue with participants in local Venezuelan social movements and organizations, this workshop will discuss important advances in the successful construction of popular and local power in Venezuela, emphasizing the importance of the role of territoriality and a renewing movement that insists that communities are to be the front of the national politics. We will explore experiences of collective construction with urban communities in Caracas, the development of socialist communes, youth activism, and the community media movement. Through the presentation of audiovisuals and rounds of interchange and discussion about concrete experiences both in the US and Venezuela, we hope to share a side of the revolutionary process in Venezuela that goes beyond its government, parties and institutions and create lasting ties with similar popular movements in the United States that can re-enforce popular and local movements in all of nuestra amerika, from Alaska to the Patagonia.
Short Description :
Urban collectives, socialist comunes, community media and cultural movements, indigenous and campesino struggles in Venezuela.
Katrina Kozarek
First Sponsoring Organization Name:
Second Sponsoring Organization Name:
Cooperativa Odizea http://blogspot.hatoarribalibre National Association of Alternative Media and Education (NAAME) WSU-Vancouver
For more information visit: