Gay Pride March in Caracas, Venezuela
Individuals of every sexual orientation and gender identity arrived from the four corners of the country and marched this Sunday in Caracas to promote respect for sexual diversity.

The activity formed part of the celebrations for the month of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride that is being carried out this June in countries across the world.
The march left from Miranda Park and arrived at Plaza Venezuela where, for the ninth consecutive year, thousands of people rallied. “67 countries recognize the rights of same sex couples, Venezuela doesn’t!”, and “Socialism must not be homophobic,” were some of the messages that could be read on placards.
There are even more activities currently being organized. In the Celarg [Centre for Latin American Studies] the Third Festival of Film for Diversity will continue until the 9th of July. The films begin at 5:30 and 7:30pm. On the 30th of June there will be a forum entitled “Homophobia and hate crimes” in Hall E of the UCV beginning at 9am. On the Fourth of July in the Celarg there will be an activity about Human Rights and Sexual Diversity, on the 7th of July there will be an informal gathering in Altamira and the 9th of July there will be a forum titled “Coexisting among differences.”
Translated by Zachary Lown for