International Observers and OAS Satisfied with Signature Collection Process Against Anti-Chavez Deputies

International Observers and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States expressed their satisfaction with the signature collection process to request recall referanda on anti-Chavez deputies.

Caracas, Nov 22 ( Secretary General of the Organization of American States (O.A.S.), Cesar Gaviria, expressed his total satisfaction with the way that the signatures collection process to request recall referenda on elected officials is going.

Pro-government groups are collecting signatures to request recall referenda against 38 National Assembly deputies of the opposition. Opposition groups will do the same next week to request a recall referendum on President Chavez and several National Assembly deputies from President Chavez’s party or other parties that support his administration.

Gaviria met with Vice-president Jose Vicente Rangel at the Vice-presidency office,. From there he made a call so that the process is respected by all citizens “and that the will of people prevails without any type of intimidation, and with the total cooperation of the Venezuelan authorities”.

He added that the current political climate of the country is favorable for democracy.

“We are satisfied with the way things are going so far, as the head of the OAS delegation, Fernando Jaramillo. We think that the day has been a peaceful one, in spite of small logistic problems, which has been solved,” Gaviria said.

“There is a peaceful climate in the country. This climate is going to help Venezuela’s democracy, we are all confident that these days are going to be peaceful, which is going to reflect the will of the Venezuelan people, and that is the most important thing”, he said.

Gaviria confirmed that he will tour several signature collecting places in Caracas and in the Miranda state.

Report to CNE

Te OAS Secretary General also said the in nine days, when the signature collection processes is finished, OAS will present a report about the process before the National Electoral Council (CNE).

Gaviria met with CNE authorities, Francisco Carrasquero, Ezequiel Zamora, Jorge Rodriguez, Oscar Battaglini and Sobella Mejías.

He informed that the OAS has commissioned about 50 people in 12 states that “have visited a great number of signature collection sites.”

International Observers satisfied

International observers from countries such as Spain and Ecuador visited several signature collection centers in Caracas and said to be surprised by the participation of the Venezuelan people, “in a civic and democratic way” and considered that this initiative can be carried out in other countries to discuss different subjects of national interest.

Diego Navarro, of Spain, said he felt excited when observing how citizens, in a civic way, are exercising their rights in a participatory democracy. He affirmed that this process has never been seen in other countries and expressed that people have showed joy because what is in the Constitution is being fulfilled.

On the other hand congressman Salvador Quispe of Ecuador emphasized that he feels surprised by the “transparent, civic and voluntary way the signature collection process throughout the country has been developing”.