Venezuela Top Prosecutor: 34 Involved In Failed Assassination of Maduro

The Public Prosecutor's office has delivered the information to Interpol in a record time and with great detail about those involved in the failed attack, Saab reported.


The Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab said Tuesday that the number of people involved in the assassination attempt against President Nicolás Maduro has risen to 34.

The Public Prosecutor’s office has delivered the information to Interpol in a record time and with great detail about those involved in the failed attack, Saab reported.

The investigations have revealed that 34 people are involved in the failed assassination attempt. Of those, 14 have already appeared in court, while 27 arrest warrants have been issued, some of which have been delivered to the Interpol. On August 13, lawmaker Juan Requesens, Colonel Pedro Zambrano, the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) Division General Alejandro Pérez, Brayan Oropeza, Luis Guerra, Yanin Pernía and José Blanco, were all indicted.

GNB Brigade General Hector Armando Hernández Da Costa was also detained by intelligence forces Monday night in connection with the terrorist attack.

Also, ex-lawmaker Juan Requesens was charged with crimes of treason, terrorism, association to commit a crime and homicide. The prosecutor rejected and condemned the leak of videos of Juan Requesens. Saab announced that an investigation was initiated and stated that it is not ruled out that those responsible are involved in the assassination attempt.

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro survived an attack on his life during a military parade celebrating the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard in the capital, Caracas, on August 4. “They have tried to assassinate me today, and everything points to the Venezuelan ultra-right and the Colombian ultra-right, and the name of Juan Manuel Santos is behind this attack,” Maduro said that day. 

“If the government of the United States ratifies its offer for the FBI to cooperate in the investigations on the links in Florida with the plans of the August 4 assassination attempt and terrorist attack, I would accept it,” Maduro said during a televised meeting with generals and admirals of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) on Saturday.