Bolivarian Govt Responds to Trump Presidency, Maduro Speaks with Kerry

Maduro sent his regards to the new president elect after speaking with Secretary of State John Kerry about ongoing efforts to re-establish respectful diplomatic relations. 

Caracas, Venezuela, Nov 11th 2016 ( – Following US elections Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro sent his regards to President Elect Donald Trump. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s official statement on behalf of the Bolivarian government also expressed hope the incoming administration will seek to promote “peace and worldwide stability”. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry called Venezuela’s Maduro to discuss ongoing efforts to re-establish diplomatic ties between the two nations. 
“We hope that the United States of America knows how to confront the economic, social and political challenges facing humanity and in its important actions, [and uphold] peace and worldwide stability,” read the Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement. 
“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela longs that in this new era, for this North American nation, new paradigms can be established with our region based on the recognition of the cultural, social and historic identities of our countries, and with respect for no intervention in the internal affairs [of our nations], with the right to development and peace,” continued the Bolivarian government’s communique. 
During his presidential campaign, Trump said he would work against the “oppression and communism” in countries like Cuba and Venezuela and abolish the normalization of US relations with Cuba. 
Trump won the electoral college vote on Tuesday with 290 votes while Democratic party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton secured 228. However, the US popular vote swung in favor of Clinton with over 60.2 million, while Trump only earned 59.9 million of the popular vote. 
Secretary of State Kerry’s call to Maduro came shortly following the elections Tuesday to discuss the countries’ bilateral relations. 
“Today, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, received a phone call from the US Secretary of State, John Kerry. President Nicolás Maduro asked Secretary Kerry to transmit his congratulations to the President elect Donald Trump,” affirmed a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wednesday. 
Maduro also sent his regards to losing Democratic Party presidential candidate Clinton. Kerry and Maduro’s conversation focused on revising the state of bilateral affairs and continued “in the mark of what was discussed in Cartagena de Indias [Colombia] recently,” confirmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
Maduro insisted on “the need to establish and leave a positive work plan in place for the next administration in support of bilateral relations and favorable conditions for South America.” 
Likewise, ongoing dialogue with the Venezuelan Bolivarian government and opposition has continued over the last week in an effort to also stabilize the political and economic situation in the South American nation.