Venezuelan Revolutionaries Demand “Truly Communal State”
Thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas to demand constitutional recognition of the country's commune movement as part of the National Constituent Assembly.

Socialist revolutionaries from across the country joined the march, calling on the government of President Nicolas Maduro to endorse a proposal to provide constitutional recognition of communes. Currently, the commune movement has broad legal recognition, but isn’t included in the country’s constitution. However, commune supporters are optimistic that could soon change, with Maduro recently calling for constitutional reform.
“The commune is the essence of the people,” said Frank Corrales from the Guerrero JiraJara Socialist Commune.
Speaking to Venezuelanalysis during a rally on Tuesday, Corrales said, “We know what we really need [and] … it is in us to truly prepare, from the grassroots, the transformation of this state into a truly communal state.”
“We have to keep transforming the state, into a socialist state, where the largest possible amount of happiness is brought to all of the people. The commune or nothing!” he said.