comment on Chavez-Caviar article

This is the a copy of the email I sent to Axis of Logic:

U.S. politicians: “There are those who say…” “Some people say…” etc. Nobody is identified by name or quoted directly in their own words.

You: “destructive and self-serving critics…” “irresponsible writing…” “baseless and strategically naïve criticism…” Nobody is identified by name or quoted directly in their own words.

“We welcome constructive criticism within our ranks, which is vital to the health and success of the revolution.” That’s charitable of you. Care to give some examples so we can campare and contrast “constructive”criticism with the other kind?

“leftist writers who are counter-revolutionary…” I’d love to know about writers who are both leftist and counter-revolutionary. Care to name them?

You mention criticism of the extradition of Joaquín Pérez Becerra to the murderous Colombian regime as an example . Eva Golinger is one of the people who have protested this miserable betrayal (my term). Has she now joined the ranks of the “leftist counter-revolutionaries”?

This whole line of argument reminds me of the reactions of a certain Russian “leader” and his sycophants against any and all who dared criticize him. In conformity with your article, I won’t name him, but here’s a hint: His name starts with “S”.