At the centre of the social and political changes of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution
is the grassroots organisation and protagonism of the people, who are continually pushing to collectively transform society. These images give an insight of the people and movements driving Venezuela’s mass revolutionary politics forward, and their messages, confidence, and dignity. They were taken during the 2011 May Day march in the capital Caracas, and in the eastern city of Puerto Ordaz in April this year.

At the centre of the social and political changes of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution is the grassroots organisation and protagonism of the people, who are continually pushing to collectively transform society. These images give an insight of the people and movements driving Venezuela’s mass revolutionary politics forward, and their messages, confidence, and dignity. They were taken during the 2011 May Day march in the capital Caracas, and in the eastern city of Puerto Ordaz in April this year.