Video: The Second Decade of Venezuela’s Revolution: Profile of a People’s Movement
Venezuelanalysis’s Kiraz Janicke and GreenLeft Weekly’s Federico Fuentes discuss the international significance of Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution, as well as its internal dynamics.
Kiraz Janicke is a journalist for Venezuela Analysis, the foremost independent English-language source of news on Venezuela. She is editor of the Peru en Movimiento website and is a member of the Caracas bureau of Green Left Weekly.
Federico Fuentes is an associate of the Centro Internacional Miranda, an independent agency funded by Venezuela’s Ministry of Popular Power for Higher Education in Caracas. Together with Marta Harnecker, he leads two CIM study projects: “Political Instruments for the 21st Century” and “Popular Participation in Public Management”. He maintains the Bolivia Rising blog and is a member of the Caracas bureau of Green Left Weekly.
The meeting was sponsered by POIRG-Toronto; Center for Social Justice (CSJ), Barrio Nuevo, Hands Off Venezuela/Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle, Latin America Solidarity Network-Toronto, Latin@s Canada, Socialist Project, Venezuela We Are With You Coalition,Toronto Bolivia Solidarity, and Toronto Haiti Action Committee.
The video is taken from the Socialist Project’s Left Steamed site.