at the Left Forum 2013

Come to New York City for this year’s Left Forum, June 7 to 9! is sponsoring four panels this year:
Panel 1: Venezuela Beyond Chávez I: The Policy Perspective
Sat., June 8, 10am, room E307
Description: Given that Venezuela’s President Chávez could not complete his presidential term, we want to examine what this means for Venezuela from the policy perspective on politics, economics, social policies, and foreign policy. Where is Venezuela heading in the post-Chávez era?
- Moderator: Alex Main
- Mark Weisbrot – the Economy
- Gregory Wilpert – Politics
- Carol Delgado – Foreign Policy
- Venezuelan activist (TBA) – Participatory Democracy
Panel 2: Venezuela Beyond Chávez II: The Grassroots Perspective
Sat., June 8, 12noon, room E307
Description: Given that Venezuela’s President Chávez will probably not complete his current presidential term, we want to examine what this means for Venezuela from a grassroots perspective of the activists and social movements that have co-created the Bolivarian Revolution of the past 14 years. What would chavismo without Chávez mean for them?
- Moderator: Alejandro Velasco
- Venezuelan Activist (TBA) – Participatory Democracy and Community Media
- Dario Azzellini – Comunas
- T.M. Scruggs – Culture and Social Movements
- Sujatha Fernandes – Community Organizations
Panel 3: 21st Century Latin American Left Movements
Sat. June 8, 5:30pm, room E307
Description: 21st century socialism is a banner that socialists in many countries of Latin American have been lifting again and in some cases have done so from positions of state power (Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia). What does this mean for socialism, looking back on the past 14 years since the start of the recent wave of leftist governments in Latin America and comparing these experiences with 20th century socialism?
- Moderator: Fred Rosen – & on Mexico
- Steve Ellner – Left in Power in Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia
- George Ciccariello Maher – Social Movements and the Left
- Arnold August – Cuba
Panel 4: 21st Challenges for the Latin American Left in Power
Sun., June 9, 12noon, room LHS
Description: A high-level panel with government representatives from Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, and Venezuela, who will discuss the challenges that Latin American leftist government are currently facing.
- Moderator: Gregory Wilpert
- Alvaro Garcia Linera (Bolivia)
- Calixto Ortega (Venezuela)
- Maria Perceval (Argentina)
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