Premiere screening of Inside the Revolution: A Journey into the Heart of Venezuela

To celebrate the anniversary of Venezuela’s historic defeat of the April 2002 coup, you are cordially invited to the premiere screening in Canberra of Inside the Revolution: A Journey into the Heart of Venezuela – a film by Pablo Navarrete, followed by a talk and discussion.

More about Inside the Revolution: A Journey into the Heart of Venezuela (Director Pablo Navarrete, 65mins, Alborada Films, 2009)

February 2009 marked 10 years since Hugo Chavez took office, following a landslide election victory, and launched his revolution to bring radical change to Venezuela. While wildly popular with many in the country, Chavez’s policies and his strongly-worded criticisms of the U.S. government have also made him powerful enemies. This documentary takes a journey into the heart of Venezuela’s revolution to listen to the voices of the people driving the process forward, putting its achievements and challenges into context by means of interviews with leading Venezuelan social scientists Edgardo Lander and Javier Biardeau, as well as the Canadian economist Michael Lebowitz, who currently lives in Venezuela.

“This is a rare film about Venezuela, a country in extraordinary transition. Watch this film because it is honest and fair and respectful of those who want to be told the truth about an epic attempt, flaws and all, to claim back the humanity of ordinary people.”John Pilger (Journalist, author and documentary filmmaker).

Entry $8 / Conc $5

For more info, contact the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network: Jo on 0423 779 018 or James on 0433 336 951

For more information about the film, visit