
Letter to the Bush Administration on the Campaign of Hostility against Venezuela

The United States government and its corporate media's belligerent campaign against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its leaders must cease at once. Several incidents that occurred during the session of the United Nations in New York City clearly expose the campaign's escalation.

The United States government and its corporate media’s belligerent campaign against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its leaders must cease at once. Several incidents that occurred during the session of the United Nations in New York City clearly expose the campaign’s escalation.

On Saturday, September 23, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro, who was part of the delegation from Venezuela attending the UN meetings, was detained for 90 minutes in the JFK International Airport as he was ready to board a plane to return to his homeland. Charging that a code in his airplane ticket identified him as “almost a terrorist,” U.S. authorities held him. Mr. Maduro told CNN that he was confined to a small room and told to remove his clothes; he added that when he showed his diplomatic passport, the harassment increased. Then he was threatened, pushed and yelled at by immigration and police officials. He was also stripped of his travel documents.

Venezuelan General Consul in Chicago Martin Sanchez was also searched at LaGuardia airport. “After passing the X-ray control, they told me to open my bags. I showed them my diplomatic card, but they insisted on searching my hand baggage, because they thought it might contain a banned object. I wasn’t able to board my flight and had to wait three more hours for another plane.”

President Hugo Chavez’ personal physician and his chief of security had to remain aboard the plane that brought the delegation to the UN event since their visas were denied, therefore their legal entrance to the country was forbidden. These incidents are clear violations of international law, the Vienna Convention and the obligation of the U.S. government, as the U.S. is the site where the headquarters of the UN is located.

The UN is supposed to be a neutral place where nations can debate in a safe environment, without external interference. The U.S. government has the obligation to protect and safeguard that environment and all the heads of state, representatives, diplomats and accompanying staff. The U.S. has failed to do this in this case. This unreasonable hostility from the George W. Bush administration towards the Venezuelan leaders only validates the name “devil” by which President Chavez referred to U.S. President Bush during the Venezuelan president’s address in the UN.

The U.S. media and even some personalities have shown their hypocrisy by attacking President Chavez for using that word. But actions speak louder than words. Those personalities and the media circus gave little thought or consideration to the countless victims, among them many children and civilians, of Bush’s military interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon in the name of “democracy”: the destruction of infrastructure, the loss of thousands of lives, the contamination of the world environment, the destabilization of the world through the “antiterrorist” military campaign and threats to countries like Iran, Syria, Sudan, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. They forget the crimes perpetrated against the victims of Katrina, many of who are still without housing or resources to rebuild their lives. Is it not reasonable that many would view the head of this administration as the personification of evil?

It is time to face the danger that the United States represents here and abroad in order to stop the destruction that otherwise will occur.

Partial list of signers:

Ramsey Clark, Founder, International Action Center, former U.S. Attorney General

James Petras, Writer, Professor

Teresa Gutierrez & Sara Flounders, Co-directors IAC-CAI

Chris Silvera, Director National Black Caucus of the Teamsters

Peter Coyote, Actor

Dr. James D. Cockcroft, Writer, Professor

Father Luis Barrios, PhD, San Romero de Las Américas Church

Judy Wicks, Founder/President White Dog Enterprises, Inc.

Charles Barron, NYC council member

Felipe C. Teixeira, Bishop OFSJC Northeast Diocese, San Francisco of Asisi, CCA

Ardeshir Ommani, Stop the War against Iran, Iranian American Friendship Committee

Jesse Lokahi Heiwa, Asia Pacific Action, Women’s Fightback Network

Frantz Mendes, President, USW Local 8751, School Bus Drivers Union of Boston

Leslie Feinberg, Writer, co-director LGBT Caucus and National Writers’ Union/UAW

David Sole, President of UAW Local 2334, Detroit

Dorotea Manuela and Tony Vandermeer, Co-directores, Human Rights Day Committee / Rosa Parks de Boston

Larry Holmes, Troops Out Now Coalition

Pepe Abola, ROSA 7053, Youth Group of the Human Rights Day Committee / Rosa Parks de Boston

LeiLani Dowell

Sue Harris

John Parker, LeftBooks

Steve Gillis, Vice-President, USW Local 8751, School Bus Drivers Union of Boston

Susan E. Davis, Delegate, Nacional Writers’ Union, UAW Local 1981

Dra. Berta Joubert-Ceci, M.D.

To add your name, click here: http://www.iacenter.org/venezuelacmpgn.shtml