Venezuela Rejects Israeli Violence Against Palestinians in Gaza
The communiqué comes a day after Israeli forces shot and killed over fifty Palestinian protesters in the occupied Gaza Strip.
Nicolas Maduro Moros, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on behalf of the Bolivarian people and government, rejects the state of Israel’s violent actions against the Palestinian people’s legitimate protests in Gaza. The protests were sparked by the US government’s unilateral and arbitrary action moving its Embassy in Israel from the capital, Tel-Aviv, to Jerusalem.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in keeping with its ongoing support for the just cause of the Palestinian people and their right to return to the lands that have historically belonged to them, joins the families of the more than four dozen victims in their grief and mourning. Venezuela also prays for the fast recovery of the thousands of hurt and wounded.
The Bolivarian government also expresses its disapproval of the ongoing actions taken by the US government with the Israeli occupying force. These measures are illegal, contrary to international law, and run contrary to all international resolutions regarding this conflict, thus undermining the efforts to find a peaceful and just solution for the return of the heroic Palestinian people to their land.
Caracas, 14 May 2018
Translated by Cira Pascual Marquina for