50 Leading UK Trade Unionists Show Solidarity With Venezuela
We the undersigned – representatives of trade unions and working people in the UK – stand in solidarity with Venezuela’s unions of Railway workers, Urban and transport workers, Oil and electric workers, Education, Public Sector and Health workers, and Construction Workers who have organised mobilisations over the last month saying ‘Venezuela is not a Threat – We are Hope’ and ‘Obama – Repeal the Executive Order.’

On March 9th US President Obama signed an executive order declaring “a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Venezuela” and imposed a further round of sanctions on the country. This has been condemned by major regional bodies in Latin America and the Caribbean, governments all over the world and much of global civil society, including the ITUC and numerous other trade union bodies.
We the undersigned – representatives of trade unions and working people in the UK – stand in solidarity with Venezuela’s unions of Railway workers, Urban and transport workers, Oil and electric workers, Education, Public Sector and Health workers, and Construction Workers who have organised mobilisations over the last month saying ‘Venezuela is not a Threat – We are Hope’ and ‘Obama – Repeal the Executive Order.’
Venezuela is not a threat to the U.S or any other country – instead it offers hope, including through some of the most advanced legislation regarding trade union and labour rights in the world.
We support the international ‘Obama – Repeal the Executive Order’ campaign and will continue to both support the advances in social progress and workers’ rights that have taken place in Venezuela in recent years, and oppose US sanctions against Venezuela.
1. Len McCuskey,General Secretary, Unite the Union
2. Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, Unite the Union & Venezuela Solidarity Campaign Vice-Chair
3. Doug Nicholls,General Secretary,General Federation of Trade Union & Venezuela Solidarity Campaign EC
4. Billy Hayes,General Secretary,Communciation Workers Union
5. Mick Cash,General Secretary,Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers Union (RMT)
6. Manuel Cortes,General Secretary,Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA)
7. Mick Whelan,General Secretary,ASLEF
8. John Smith,General Secretary, Musicians Union
9. Owen Tudor, Head of European Union and International Relations, Trade Union Congress (TUC)
10. Roger McKenzie,Assistant General Secretary, UNISON
11. Kevin Courtney, Deputy General Secretary,National Union of Teachers
12. Gail Cartmail,Assistant General Secretary,Unite the Union
13. Steve Turner,Assistant General Secretary,Unite the Union
14. Andy Kerr,Deputy General Secretary,Communication Workers Union
15.Hugh Scullion,General Secretary, CSEU (Confederation of Shipbuilding & Engineering Unions)
16. Dave Green, National Officer, Fire Brigades Union
17. Tom Jones,,Thompsons Solicitors & Venezuela Solidarity Campaign EC
18. Moz Greenshields, TUC Joint Consultative Committee
19. Joe Gluza, NEC Member, University & College Union (UCU)
20. Terry Hoad, University & College Union (UCU) NEC Member & Former President,
21. Mark Lyon, Chair, International Committee & EC Member, Unite the Union
22. Seán McGovern, Co-Chair, Trade Union Congress Disabled Members Committee & Unite Executive Council Member (Disabled Workers Representative)
23. Ged Dempsey, Executive Council Member, Unite the Union
24. Andy Green, Executive Council Member, Unite the Union
25. Tommy Murphy, Executive Council Member, Unite the Union & Venezuela Solidarity Campaign EC
26. Maggie Ryan, Executive Council Member, Unite the Union
27. Simon Dubbins, Director of International, Unite the Union
28. Siobhan Endean, National Officer for Equalities, Unite the Union
29. Adrian Weir, Assistant Chief of Staff, Unite the Union
30. Martin Mayer, Chair, United Left in Unite the Union
31. Jane Carolan, NEC Member, UNISON
32. Stephen Kennedy, NEC Member, UNISON & Venezuela Solidarity Campaign EC
33. Max Watson, NEC Member, UNISON
34. Carl Maden, Communciation Workers Union NEC member
35. Peter Pinkney, President, RMT (Rail Maritime and Transport Union)
36. Karen Mitchell, Legal Officer & Solicitor, Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers Union (RMT)
37. Andy Bain, Treasurer, TSSA
38. Marie Taylor, Chair,Community & Youth Workers Section, Unite the Union
39. Enrico Tortolano, Research & Policy Officer, PCS & Tribune Latin America Correspondent
40. Denis Doody, UCATT Regional Secretary, Northern Region
41. Bernard Regan, Chair,South East Region Trade Union Congress International Committee & Cuba Solidarity Campaign National Secretary
42. Jayne Fisher,Vice Chair, South East Region Trade Union Congress International Committee
43. Kevan Nelson,Regional Secetary, North West Region,UNISON
44. Dominic MacAskill, Head of Local Government,Wales/Cyrmu UNISON
45. Phil Thompson, Secretary of International Committee, UNISON Greater London Region
46. Kev Terry, Chair, South West Region, Unite the Union
47. Mike Hedges, Vice Chair, Passenger National Industrial Sector Committee, Unite the Union
48. Jim Buckley,Regional Officer,Unite the Union
49 Dave Lovelidge, National Industrial Sector Committee & Regional Industrial Sector Committee (South East), GPMIT Sector
50. Phil McGarry, Political Officer,Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers Union (RMT), Scotland
Left Futures is supporting the Rally for Venezuela – End the US Sanctions, No More Interventions! organised by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign. Facebook event at and register by clicking here.
Tweet your support using the hashtag: #venezuelaisnotathreat #obamarepealtheexecutiveorder